Pride is a feeling felt because of satisfaction derived from one’s achievements or consciousness of one’s dignity. Pride has one general meaning, however, two different viewpoints or contrasting tones. We say that having dignity and pride can be good if it's moderate, this is more of the self-respect and self-love viewpoints at the other hand, if this feeling is strong meaning if someone is too prideful then it can ruin connection with people. The inability to become humble, confess, or take responsibility if a mistake was made, can be character traits that can ruin relationships. Nonetheless, I believe that we should be proud of ourselves for a lot of things. More specifically, during Covid-19 we all have to make some drastic changes in our lives. We had ups and downs through this journey, which is not over yet, but we all prevailed. It was hard but we made it and to me that is something to be super proud of. We are making significant changes in the world when we decided to stay strong. That is something to be proud.